5 Stand 4 round minimum on Wednesday-Friday
Please call for reservations and must pay 50% deposit
5 Stand open all day on Saturdays
FFL Fees
All transfers - $2
Gun Purchase - $25
Member Gun Transfer - $25
Non-Member Gun Transfer - $75
*Limit 2 Guests Per Visit*
VIP Membership $1750 - Includes 5 Stand at $10 per around, Pistol and 100/300 yard Rifle ranges with no range rental fees, reserved parking, Access to VIP sitting area, 20% Discount in Pro Shop (excludes firearms), 20% Discount on all training classes, 4 free guest per year & 12 guest per year at $10 per hour range fees or $10 per round of 5 stand
Platinum Membership $1000 - Includes 5 Stand at $10 per round, Pistol & 100/300 yard Rifle ranges with no range fees, 10% Discount in the Pro Shop (excludes firearms), 10% Discount on all training classes, 4 free guest per year & 12 guest per year at $10 per hour range fees or $10 per round of 5 Stand (Same guest limited to 4 visits)
Gold Membership $500 - Includes 5 Stand at $15 per round, Pistol & 100/300 yard Rifle ranges with $15 per hour range rental fees, 5% Discount at the Pro Shop, 5% Discount on all training classes, 2 free guest per year & 12 guests at $15 per hour range fees or $10 per round of 5 Stand (same guest limited to 4 visits)
Bronze Membership $250- Includes 5 Stand at $20 per round, Pistol & 100/300 yard Rifle ranges with $20 per hour range rental fees, limited to 2 days of shooting per month. No guests allowed
Silver Membership - SOLD OUT